With Gratitude...

Although 2020 has not been the easiest of years and we have all seen many peaks and valleys I do believe being grateful has gotten me through this year. There were times I didn’t know which way to proceed as a business owner, but I always kept my clients and team members on my mind constantly asking myself “What’s the right thing to do?” Staying positive was my saving grace. I want to share with you all that I am grateful for.


Clients- For those clients that were with LGID through the shutdown I am forever thankful. You allowed me to drop samples at your door, met with me on zoom calls and continued to allow us to produce beautiful designs. You placed orders and showed me gratitude when I needed it. In a nutshell you kept my spirits up and gave me purpose through a dark time. I am always grateful for you, but this was above and beyond!

Vendors- So many wonderful vendors went out of their way to select and send samples, drawings and finishes of whatever we needed to keep our business and designs moving forward! Thank you @materialbank @schumacher_northflorida @jefferey_michaels_showroom @traditionsintile

Sub-contractors- Thank you to the sub-contractors that continued to work on our client’s behalf. Still doing their best work with the changing circumstances. @Coryponz @KBcabinetryinc @Rivercitycustom cabinetry

Marketing Team- It’s a powerful thing when a company puts its customers above its own well-being. Our amazing marketing team @KCEvolve immediately cut our fees in half and reached out to see how they could help us market through the pandemic! Making a new website and marketing plan. I am beyond appreciative and impressed. 

Team Members- To my amazing team. I am so impressed by you all and grateful! You adapted and found new ways of working, you kept in contact with all our clients and produced a lot of work, you stuck with me through our long zoom meetings! Not only did we all make it through we even grew a new team member! 

Health- I know so many have been sick and even lost friends and loved ones. I am blessed to have all friends and family members who have been infected healthy now and hope for continued health for all of you!

Housing Market- Living in Florida right now is such a blessing. People are flooding to our state to soak up sunshine and lower taxes while they work from home. This strong real estate market makes me excited for 2021! 

I’ll share my 2021 forecast in January but I see great things ahead. While I worked through the shutdown much of it was on my client’s projects as well as in my business. I have big plans for the coming year and know I’ll need my amazing team, wonderful clients and business partners to get me where I am planning to go.

It really is a team effort, and I am forever GRATEFUL for all of you on this journey with me. I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thank you,

Lisa Gielincki