Ten Ways to Destress Your Home

We believe your home should be your stress-free sanctuary. In today’s world we cannot control what happens outside our homes, but we can make some simple changes to our living environments that will create less tension and more peace. Here are a few recommendations of ways you can destress your home.


1. Natural Light

Let the natural light in - it is one of the best sources for stress relief. Welcoming natural light into your home helps open your space, wakes you up, and helps you get going in the morning. It also inspires productivity and can ward off seasonal depression to improve your mood and keep you thinking positively. So, open up your blinds and drapes!

2. Calming Scents

Scents such as lavender, lemon, vanilla and jasmine are known to be very calming. Some scents may be particularly comforting to you. Having these aromas present in your home can bring a natural sense of peace, especially after a busy day. 


3. Add Plants

Plants are a great way to brighten and freshen up your space. Plants have many benefits aside from just being visually pleasing, they release more oxygen into your home promoting easy breathing and relaxation. Decorating your space with plants creates an environment that you want to spend time in and connects your home to nature.


4. Your Bed

The best way to start your day is by making your bed. This small accomplishment sets the tone for productivity and keeps your room more organized. This quick and easy step can boost your mood and clear your mind which can increase your productivity. Fresh sheets and lavender sleep sprays are a calming way to end a day.

5. Calming Colors

There have been numerous studies about how color can affect your mood. Surrounding yourself with cool tones can create a peaceful environment and lower your heart rate. Consider colors that come from nature’s palette.  Making use of colors like blues, soft greens and neutrals can keep your mind calm and creative.


6. Declutter 

Walking into a cluttered space, even though it may not feel like it at first, can create a lot of stress. It can be hard to notice especially if it is a common state of your home. Even just 10 minutes a day of straightening up can make a big difference over time. Start with one drawer or one countertop and see how much satisfaction you feel and how it will ease your mind when all things have a place.  

7. Healthy Foods

Keeping healthy food like fruits and veggies brightens up your fridge, making it more aesthetically pleasing and colorful and inspiring healthier choices. Having easy availability of healthy options can help you make good decisions come dinner time by having a variety of tasty clean food to choose from.


8. Water Features

Adding a water feature is a great way to create a calming environment. Along with color, this is a great way to balance your space, and this physical element of nature is also very feng shui. (A Chinese traditional practice that creates harmony in your environment.)  Water features quiet several senses and add aesthetic appeal. 

9. Peaceful Area

Creating a space that is dedicated to peace is beneficial whether you work at home or in an office. It is important to have an area that brings you solace, and this should be where you practice activities to relax. Whether that is reading, writing, meditating, drawing, listening to music, or having a glass of wine with a friend, adding things like bookcases, pictures that you love, and comfortable furniture will make it a place that you look forward to enjoying.


10. Soft Fabrics

Comfort is a big part of creating a destressed space. Soft fabrics makes your relaxing time more enjoyable. Sheets, soft pillowcases, and throws can make your home more pleasing and create a great environment to relax and bring comfort.

 These small actions and additions can go a long way in improving your mood and alleviating stress in your home. Let us know if you would like for us to advise you on ways to destress your space. It’s our goal to make living beautiful and take the stress out of your environment and interior design.