It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by since I wrote last year’s gratitude post. Last year I was so grateful to have survived as a business and for all those that supported my company thorough a tough year. I always try to feel grateful but 2021 has brought its own theme.


Change seems to be the one thing in life that is constant. This past year has brought change in projects, change in staff, change in our office location and change in my family. The thing is throughout this year I have realized that change is not this big scary thing that I should try to ignore, it can be an amazing force that moves me forward. I don’t always love the process (waiting for 6 months to get a building permit for the new office) but at other times it has been a gift. Watching my daughter Lauren graduate from college and moving her to Dallas to work for JP Morgan made my mom pride swell! 

After 12 years in my old office location, it became apparent to my roommate ( Marsha-Studio M ) and me that we had run out of space. Sample books were toppling off the tops of bookcases. Employees sharing desks and a constant rotation of the conference room with no room for extra needed  time, made it clear that it was time to go! So, we embarked on a long journey to find a space, plan a space, select finishes for a space, select a contractor and then we waited……. (Thank you building department and supply chain issues). In a sense we were reminded how all our clients feel every time they embark on a new project, whether it be a remodel or new construction.  

During the construction process, Marsha and I have had a steadfast faith that this is what God has laid out for us. The path has been clear at every turn and honestly the number of miracles that happened during the project would make a great book! One Saturday we met at the office to specify light fixture locations between beams in the hallway and we discussed our gratitude and how much we were being blessed by God to have this new office. We have so many plans for charity events so we can give back. We also want to elevate our clients experience!

We decided to bless the office with appropriate Bible verses.

We are Suite 100, I said let me look that up-

“What God has done is cause for rejoicing!” - Psalm 100

Talk about a goosebump moment!  It is true - it is God’s work from all the donations we received to all the amazing talents that our sub-contractors used to create custom trimmed conference rooms and gorgeous cabinetry!  Every one of them put love into our space through their god given talents.

I have no doubt that this change is going to be great for my staff, my clients, and our community. So, this year 2021 I am GRATEFUL for CHANGE in my life and will move forward looking at is as an asset to me because I am never alone!

I wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and know that you are part of our LGID family!
