Finish Strong: The Power of Accessories and Art

As an interior designer, I understand the excitement and anticipation that comes with embarking on a home or office design project. The journey is filled with crucial decisions, from selecting the perfect color palette to choosing the right furniture pieces. However, one aspect that often gets overlooked but plays a pivotal role in completing the design puzzle is the use of accessories and art. In this blog post, I'll shed light on why finishing your interior design project strong with carefully curated accessories and art is not just a final touch but a transformative element that can elevate your space to new heights.


1. Personalization and Expression:

Accessories and art are the finishing touch of any design. They provide an opportunity for clients to infuse their personality, interests, and unique style into the space. Imagine walking into a room that tells a story about the people who inhabit it. Personalized accessories, such as family heirlooms, travel souvenirs, or handpicked artwork, create a connection between the space and its inhabitants, making it truly one-of-a-kind.


2. Textural and Visual Interest:

While the foundational elements like furniture and wall colors lay the groundwork for a design, accessories and art add layers of texture and visual interest. Incorporating items like throw pillows, rugs, and statement art pieces can introduce diverse materials, patterns, and colors, preventing the space from feeling flat or monotonous. This layering effect contributes to a visually dynamic and engaging environment.


3. Flexibility and Adaptability:

As trends and seasons change, accessories and art provide a flexible avenue to update and refresh the space without undergoing a complete overhaul. Swapping out throw pillows, changing artwork, or introducing new sculptures allows the design to evolve over time, keeping it current and reflecting the client's evolving tastes and preferences.


4. Balance and Harmony:

Achieving balance in design is crucial for creating a harmonious and visually appealing space. Accessories and art serve as the elements that tie everything together. They help balance the scale of furniture, provide focal points, and create a cohesive theme throughout the space. A well-curated selection of accessories ensures that every corner of the room feels considered and intentional.


5. Emotional Impact:

Art has the power to evoke emotions and set the tone for a space. Whether it's a vibrant painting, a thought-provoking sculpture, or a gallery wall of cherished memories, art can create a mood and atmosphere that resonates with the occupants. Accessories, such as soft furnishings and decorative items, contribute to the overall ambiance, making the space feel warm, inviting, and uniquely tailored to the client's lifestyle.


In the world of interior design, the finishing touches are where the magic happens. Accessories and art are not merely embellishments; they are the key to unlocking the full potential of a space. By investing time and consideration into these elements, clients can transform their homes or offices into personalized sanctuaries that not only reflect their style but also stand the test of time. So, let's finish strong and turn your design dreams into a living reality and don’t forget the accessories!!